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Lineco Volara
Volara Rabbet Tape 1/4 Inch x 108 Ft #8871
Price: $30.35
Volara Rabbet Tape 1/4 Inch x 108 Ft #8871
Volara Foam Rabbet Tape - Protect your art from contamination from wood and poly mouldings. This inert, foam tape features an aggressive acrylic adhesive for lining frame rabbets. Protects canvas transfers, digital media and other forms of a art
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Rabbet Tape
Volara Rabbet Tape 3/4 Inch x 150 Ft #9871
Price: $62.95
Volara Rabbet Tape 3/4 Inch x 150 Ft #9871
Volara Foam Rabbet Tape - Protect your art from contamination from wood and poly mouldings. This inert, foam tape features an aggressive acrylic adhesive for lining frame rabbets. Protects canvas transfers, digital media and other forms of art 3/4" x 150'
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