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100 Gauge 24" X 500 Foot Roll Polyolefin Centerfold Shrink Film #8606

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polyolefin shrink film
Price: $133.56
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Item Number: 8606
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Polyolefin shrink film is an all purpose shrink film ideal for high speed machine applications as well as manual and

semi-automatic machines. All of our centerfold polyolefin shrink wrap is optimal for wrapping framed and unframed


Polyolefin shrink wrap features include:

Superior Gloss Protection Against Tampering

Low Haze Packaging for Various Products

Remarkable Clarity FDA Approved

Polyolefin shrink film offers many advantages over other types of shrink films.

Polyolefin shrink wrap offers many advantages over PVC shrink wrap. In recent years, polyolefin has become the

preferred shrink material for most shrink packaging applications. Our polyolefin shrink film is FDA approved for direct

food contact.

 Why Polyolefin? Because it is a polymer that has become a chosen polymer in the packaging industry due to its

shrinking properties, clarity, and absence of chloride. Polyolefin is a generic term that refers to a variety of polymers.

Polyolefin is considered a thermoplastic material that contracts when heated. It remains odorless when heated and

cooled. This is an important advantage over PVC shrink fim. PVC shrink film contains Chloride that emits a strong odor

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